Thoughtful Gifts for the Cancer Caregiver

The holiday season is a wonderful time to thank our incredible support teams. Let’s face it, they can make your life and treatments go a lot smoother (even if we don’t exactly make their lives easier, at times). There are countless ideas for thoughtful gifts that will bring a smile to any caregiver’s face, but I’ll just share a handful…

1) For the female or enlightened male caregiver, a massage gift certificate is awesome! A chance to take care of them with a little pampering.
2) For the male caregiver (or far more patient female than I am), a gift certificate for a round of golf is a much needed get away.
3) Books for the readers or gift cards for the virtual readers. 😉
4) Even something as simple as a coffee mug can be a wonderful gift. Fill it with either gourmet coffee, tea or cocoa. Heck, I’d like that!
5) A gift card to a great restaurant is another great idea and wonderful way to relax.

These are little things, but they count. You don’t need to do something monumental, but caring enough to do something is monumental.

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful holiday season!